Hey, Welcome to Desire to Empower, my name is Bec.

It's been a journey to get to where I am today that's for sure, but it has all been worth it. There have been lots of highs, lows and everything in between. I have hit rock bottom and bounced back even stronger than before; resilience has been one of my biggest superpowers that I have used to overcome the obstacles of life.

I have been lucky enough to travel as a young child with my family and experience various cultures and different ways of living. I have worked in orphanages overseas, built schools in Africa, volunteered to support the homeless, travelled solo around Europe and explored our own backyard here in Australia.

I have been inspired by my Mum to live life on my terms, create financial freedom, build the life I desire and work hard to get to where I want to be. It is because of her that I have been exposed to personal development workshops from a young age and believe in the importance of putting in the work to attract like-minded people and to become the best version of myself. My Mum has empowered me to trust the process of life and understand that everything happens for a reason even if the reason isn't clear at the time.

It definitely hasn't been an overnight process to become the person I am today, it has taken years of learning to know my worth, understanding my purpose and my 'Why', learning from others, learning to shift my mindset and learning to protect my energy even if that means being selective as to who is in my life.

The person that I am is someone who inspires others to believe in themselves, someone who is powerful mentally, someone who is surrounded by like-minded people, someone who is loved, lovable and can let her walls down for others, someone who gives everything a red hot crack, someone who shows up as her highest self, someone who empowers others to become the best version of themselves, someone who cares for others, someone who makes others smile and laugh, someone who achieves all that she desires, someone who leave a positive legacy and someone who conquers life's challenges head on and rises above.

My objective for the year of 2023 and beyond is to create my own happiness, do things that set my soul on fire and show up as my most authentic self. I want to create space in my life for freedom, more specifically time freedom and financial freedom. I want to attract an abundance of money to allow me to achieve all that I desire at the same time as empowering others to become the best version of themselves. My goal is to say 'YES' to opportunities that are arise and make my dreams become my reality. My goal is to spend more time with my family, friends and partner as I know how precious this life we live is.

The number one factor that I believe has held me back from stepping into my highest power and achieving all my dreams is myself- I take 100% responsibility for where I am at now and the person I want to be. I am making rapid changes such as investing in myself and my future to live the life I desire. Investing in this mindset course has already given me the tools and knowledge I need to financially set myself up for success. My goals over the years have changed however I have always stayed true to my core values and beliefs.

Taking a step back and looking at how far I have come inspires me to want to help others who are facing challenges in their life. I know this course will continue to help me grow and provide me the tools necessary to create prosperity, freedom and the ability to empower others to do the same. It's time to take the leap of faith and take a chance for your future self- Make yourself proud because you deserve to flourish in all areas of your life.